Amazon is one of the most highly competitive marketplaces in the world and is home to sellers of all kinds and walks of life, whether you’re a hobbyist selling your crafts or a major corporation. However, with this in mind, more and more people are turning to Amazon to sell their products, meaning there’s more and more products on the Amazon's search results page.
And the more products there are here, the more products that could potentially push yours down the ranking list. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Here’s everything you need to know to get your products to the top of the list.
Only Sell Quality Products
This aspect might go without saying but you’d be surprised with just how many people are trying to sell low-quality products to customers around the world. If your product doesn’t successfully do what it sets out to do and doesn’t provide your customers with any real value, get it off Amazon. Use Portent for market research to make sure you’re selling what your customers want.
The More Sales, The More Visibility
The way that the Amazon Search Engine works is by putting the best-selling items at the top of the page. Let’s say you have item #1 and item #2 and item #1 is selling ten times more than item #2. Which item do you think you should be promoting more?
Of course, item #1 because it’s already proving to be popular and will therefore rank much higher than item #2 anyway. Keep pushing that product and you can be sure that it will continue to make sales. When creating content to generate these sales, you can use writing guides at Viawriting for editing your content, or SnagShout to get your content in front of the customers that matter.
Get Customer Reviews In
The vast majority of customers will not even consider purchasing your product if you have no reviews. This is one of the most important aspects of business that Amazon customers look for which is why it’s so important to harvest the reviews.
Of course, to a certain extent, Amazon will proactively source reviews from your customers but it’s also up to you to make sure that you get these positive reviews in about your products. This can be done using an email marketing campaign or through your website. The more positive reviews your product has, the higher in the search engine result page it will be.
Use ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’
By allowing Amazon to fulfill your orders, rather than doing it yourself, you’ll enabling your customers to buy directly from Amazon warehouses and therefore they will fall under the Prime category.
There’s no way that any other products will be able to compete with Amazon Prime products and the marketing giant will also post these products at the top of their result pages.
Take Control of Your Keywords
Keywords are so important when it comes to Amazon Listings. This is why, instead of seeing product described as a single title, you’ll see the title being potentially sentences long and not necessarily making sense.
This is because Amazon’s search algorithms are more dated than Google’s, who now don’t focus on keywords just as much, although it’s still important. Of course, Amazon’s algorithms will be updated in the future by in the meantime, it’s vital that you focus on keywords.
This means avoiding the use of commas, making a natural title and carrying out keyword research to make sure you’re using the right terms that relate to your products. You can also use tools like Adwords and Moz to find the perfect keywords for your products.
Create the Perfect Product Listing
If there’s information missing from your product or on your product page, the chances are that you won’t be listed at the top of the results page. For this to work, there is a tonne of aspects you’ll need to include. This includes your brand name, your product title, your pictures, the product description, the bullet points at the top of the page, complete product specifications and product details.
You’ll also want to optimise the iconic bullet-point section that appears at the very top of your product listing. This is typically used to highlight the best features of a product, but you can use it for whatever you want. For example, you could include the fact that your product has a lifetime guarantee, but this is typically used as the final bullet point.
As an Amazon seller, the best practice is to list up around 10-15 bullet-points that you can use. You can then change the positions and text every 2 weeks or month and see which month is best. This way you can constantly evolve your product page, so you find the optimal position.
The more information you include and the closer to 100% complete you can make your product listing, the higher in the search engine result page that you’ll be.
While writing product listing content check over it using grammar checker such as Grammarix or using tips from Academadvisor writing blog. Poorly written product listings do nothing for your company’s credibility.
Optimise Your Product Title
The first thing that online shoppers will see when it comes to your product is the title and is considered by many to be the most important element of your product listing. This is because not only is it the first element that shoppers will see, enticing them to click on your product, but it’s also what the Amazon A9 algorithm will use to display your product in the results pages.
As a rule of thumb, your title needs to include;
- The brand of the product
- The product line
- Any materials the product is made from
- The type of product
- The colour
- The size
- Any quantity or packaging information
Use this as a checklist when creating your product titles to make sure that you don’t miss anything out and it’s as effective as possible. Hand in hand with a consideration above, don’t forget to include keywords to make sure that your product is displayed when it’s searched for but don’t overdo it.
You can also search your product type to see what your competitors have titled their titles to see what you’re up against. Finally, you’ll also want to consider how many characters you’ve got to play with (use a Word Counter for this task), so you can make sure all your information fits in neatly.
Pricing is so important when it comes to Amazon listings, and you’ll want to make sure that you’ll get it right. Price too low and people will believe that the quality will suffer and it’s ‘too cheap’. Put your prices too high, and no one will want to buy your product. This will reflect in your Amazon ranking so be sure to research similar prices for your product, so you can get it right.
Sometimes, you may have the ability to sell a product in different quantities. For example, if you’re buying baby wipes, you may be able to buy packs of 24 or packs of 56, it depends on what kind of product you have. However, if this is the case for you, make sure that you make it clear that different options are available and easily accessible.
Amazon also offers a repeated subscription buying service where people can set up a reoccurring order without having to keep buying it. If your product falls into this category, it’s definitely something worth looking at.
You’ll also need to match your description to the price of the product. For example, a cheap product may be okay with just bullet-pointed features, but a more expensive or luxury item will need a captivating description with more information. You can edit your descriptions using tool like State of Writing, or Cite it in if your product description needs to cite independent articles, studies, etc.
Tell a Story
Storytelling is one of the most increasingly popular yet most effective ways to sell a product, and there’s no better place to implement this than your Amazon product page.
While the effect of this story won’t directly affect how you turn up at the top of the product listings, the content is indexed by Amazon and will affect your overall visibility. In short, this is the section of your listing where you’ll identify a problem and state how your product is the solution.
For this, you can use case studies, stating how someone had a problem in their everyday life and used your product to help them. Even if you’re selling games, a game can be used to kill time, to entertain and to stop you from being bored, so that’s the problems that you’ll need to address.
By writing in a story format, you can help to connect with your customer on an emotional level that they can relate to and, therefore, making it far more likely that they’ll buy the product.
As you can see, there are many things you can do and implement to make sure that your product comes ranked at the top of the Amazon result page. Remember to experiment with different things to see what works for you!
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